You are here: Purchasing > Purchase Orders > Defining the Purchase Order Forms > Order Tab

Order Tab

Inventory and non-inventory items together with Comments are added to the purchase order in this tab.

Order Lines

Field Description
Line No. Displays the order the part numbers were added to the purchase order. Right mouse clicking a number will display a menu that allows items or comments to be entered or the line removed from the order

Part No Automatically populated if Auto Search is selected otherwise part numbers can be selected from the search window or manually typed in
Description Populated from the Inventory record and can be over typed if the system setting AllowAlternateDescriptions is enabled
Qty Recommended re-order quantity is populated when the item is added to the grid. Can be manually edited
Unit Description that is automatically populated from the inventory record e.g. box, each
Foreign Currency Displays the FX amount where ordering from an FX creditor and the field is enabled and can be changed. Where ordering from a local creditor, the amount = Ex GST Price and cannot be changed.
FX Rate Displays the current Buy Rate from the Foreign Exchange Maintenance record for the currency attached to the FX supplier and can be edited if the order is for an FX creditor. Otherwise the rate of 1.00000 is displayed and cannot be changed.
EX Price Displays the Home Cost from the Supplier Warehouse tab of the Inventory record if the item is ordered from this creditor otherwise it will be populated with Last Cost from the Prices tab of Inventory.
Tax Rate This field is populated with the GST Inwards rate from the inventory record if ordering from local creditors (and can be changed) otherwise No Tax rate is applied for FX creditors
Tax Rate Desc Description associated with the tax rate applied
Tax Amount Total tax being charged for that item for the quantity being ordered
Inc Price Inc GST unit price for the item. Can be edited if ordering from a local creditor
Line Total Total GST inclusive value of the line for the quantity being ordered
FX Total Total FX value of the line for the quantity being
Exp Date Date the goods are expected to be delivered. Is calculated by adding Delivery Days from the Supplier Warehouse record in inventory to the ordered date. This field is editable
Alloc This field is automatically populated, cannot be edited and represents the back orders for stock in the system at the time the purchase order is created
Prev Del This field is updated as stock is being receipted in and is the total received
Purchasing Classification This field is populated with the Default classification from the Purchase Order Classification form when adding a non inventory item to the purchase order. This can be changed by selecting from the search window attached to this field. The classification controls the posting to the ledger when the invoice is raised for the goods when they've been received
Supp Part No. Populated from the Supplier details from the inventory record and can't be changed in the this form
History Text Comment Editable field for additional comments to be entered as required
Class Description The classification attached to the inventory record and can't be changed.
Job Number Selected from the search window if the goods being ordered are for a Job Costing job. Goods will automatically be allocated to the job as they are receipted in if the system setting in Job Costing ReceiveGoodsAgainstJobWIP is ticked otherwise Back Order Processing allocates the stock to the relevant job.
Job Description Description of the job
Service No. Select from the search window if goods are being ordered for a Service Manager job
UserDefinedFLoat 1 to 3 Additional fields available for data entry
UserDefinedDate 1 to 3 Additional fields available for data entry
UserDefinedString 1 to 3 Additional fields available for data entry
Total Cubic Total cubic measurement for the line where that information is recorded in the inventory maintenance record and calculated as Quantity Ordered * Cubic from inventory record. This field is not editable
Total Weight Total weight for the line where that information is recorded in the inventory maintenance record and calculated as Quantity Ordered * Weight from inventory record. This field is not editable.

Totals Grid

Total Weight and Cubic values are calculated values only. They display as the order is being created and edited and then disappear when the order is saved. The FX fields only display when the order is for a foreign creditor

Reorder Methods Selected order method to create the purchase order. Change from drop down list. The field is only enabled until the order is saved for the first time
Auto Search The field is enabled when the order is being created. Select your method and then click Auto Search. The grid is populated with the recommended parts and quantities to order to replenish stock ordered from that supplier.
Total Cubic Total measurement for the quantity being ordered - set back to zero on save
Total Weight Total weight for the quantity being ordered - set back to zero on save
FX Unit N/A
FX Cost Total value in the foreign currency selected for this FX creditor
Sub Total Sub total of the order in local currency
Tax Tax that is applicable on the order
Total Total value of the order in local currency

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